15 June 2008

Italian frog

Some time ago I showed you a useful occupier of the swimming pool (the termometer duck), useful when it is sunny. Well, it keeps raining here and the only occupier of the pool right now is this young fellow in the picture!


Diederick Wijmans said...

Che bella foto, Patrizia!
A nice photo! You captured him very well in the green-blue water!

USelaine said...

Perhaps he is remembering his tadpole days...

yoshi said...

This little frog is very lucky to have a swimming pool just for her!

Tanya Breese said...

What a cute little frog! How fun to find him in your pool!

vero said...

Che bella ranocchoietta, speriamo che arrivi il bel tempo così potremo andare al mare e nuotare anche noi !

Chuck Pefley said...

How can we be certain he is an Italian frog? :) He certainly look like a large frog. Fun photo!