31 July 2008

Concert evening

Every Friday in July, in the central square (the Cathedral's piazza) there is a concert. This year we have had a classical concert, a jazz concert, a drama piece and a pop concert. I took this picture the last evening, when an American band coming from the nearby Aviano USAF Base (about 40 km from here) played nice music (lots of '70 and '80 pop music!). It has been a pleasant evening!


USelaine said...

Well, I hope they did a good job of it. The 70s included my teenage years, so of course I like that pop music.

Patrizia said...

Elaine, they did a wonderful job! The only problem is that the average age of the audience was about 70 years of age, in a small Italian countryside town .. so the audience was quite calm ... But I enjoyed it a lot (besides, knowing English helps a lot to sing the songs too!) and my daughter was dancing all the time!

Marcel said...

As an American I’m often very ashamed of what the US Military is doing around the world these days. I’m glad that they also do some good, and I’m glad you enjoyed the music.

Patrizia said...

Marcel, we get very good music every year from the Aviano UASF base ... I'm always looking forward to hearing them!