I have a quick question. I stumbled upon your blog while thinking about creating my own photoblog. How do you stamp the photos with your name? Is it just a layer in photoshop?
I'm using a software called WATERMARK to put my name on the photos. You can put any image you want ON your picture and either leave it opaque or transparent (the function is called EMBOSS IMAGE, I'm using it).
I made my signature on a piece of paper, put it in the scanner to digitalize it and now I'm using it to sign my photos. If you take a look to my other blog, you'll see that I'm using a different signature, just made by writing my name with Arial font with Microsoft Word.
I never used Photoshop (shame on me!) but I guess you can do something similar with it too.
I made it this morning to look at your post and then I am off for a lung test. I hope to be finished with all tests and back to normal by the 12th or soon thereafter.
for ABE: I hope your examination is ok! I messed up with scheduling today's post so it wasn't yet published! When you'll be back, you'll find today's one!
I am Patrizia, a 40 year old young girl. Happily married since almost 13 years. Joyfully mother of three wonderful children (9 ys, 7 ys and 3 ys old!).
Currently my pictures are shot with a Canon EOS 400D and with a Nikon Coolpix.
My blog ...
a daily picture (almost daily!) directly from Concordia Sagittaria, a wonderful small town in the North Eastern part of Italy
this is gorgeous!
I have a quick question. I stumbled upon your blog while thinking about creating my own photoblog. How do you stamp the photos with your name? Is it just a layer in photoshop?
That is pretty! I don't recognize it either.
for PURVI:
I'm using a software called WATERMARK to put my name on the photos. You can put any image you want ON your picture and either leave it opaque or transparent (the function is called EMBOSS IMAGE, I'm using it).
I made my signature on a piece of paper, put it in the scanner to digitalize it and now I'm using it to sign my photos. If you take a look to my other blog, you'll see that I'm using a different signature, just made by writing my name with Arial font with Microsoft Word.
I never used Photoshop (shame on me!) but I guess you can do something similar with it too.
You can also hold the Alt key down while typing numerals 0169 which gives you the © symbol.
Nice photo and colorful flowers.
That's a gorgeous image - what stunning colours!
I agree; beautiful.
Thursday morning...
I made it this morning to look at your post and then I am off for a lung test. I hope to be finished with all tests and back to normal by the 12th or soon thereafter.
Your photograph is really nice, as usual.
for ABE:
I hope your examination is ok! I messed up with scheduling today's post so it wasn't yet published! When you'll be back, you'll find today's one!
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