13 May 2008

European Elderberry

This is a Sambuco tree I have in my back yard. Wikipedia helped me out, in English it is called European Elderberry (you can read more
here). It has a wonderful smell and it remembers me my grandmother nonna Bice that used to make delicious biscuits with its flowers. Unfortunately I don't know the recipe, but I guess Internet will help me.


Anonymous said...

You are so lucky to have this bush in your backyard. Go to Google and type in Elderberry Biscuit Recipe or Elderberry Jelly Recipe and you will have something to do with your elderberries.

Nice photograph.

Tanya Breese said...

I can almost smell it!

Rob said...

Lovely delicate white flowers.

vero said...

Che bell'albero di sambuco, io ne ho uno vicino a casa ed i suoi fiori sono profumatissimi, quasi inebrianti.