31 August 2008

A typical house

A typical house in Barcis, a village in the mountains, about 50 km from Concordia Sagittaria. It is called Palazzo Centi and was first built during the Sixteenth Century. It has been renovated since few years using once again the rocks and stones of the River Cellina (that flows nearby) as in the original construction.


Unknown said...

Beautiful palazzo, very well preserved!

Anonymous said...

Ciao Patrizia. ero a casa l'ultimo agusto per 10 giorni. Mio zio (fratello della mamma) era malato col lucemmia cio era l'ultima volta che ho visto.
I nonni vissuto su S.S. Martiri, e la vecchia casa e transformato negli appartamenti da sig.Basso.
il mio email e concordiasteel@bellnet.ca
Ciao Franco

Sherry said...

It's beautiful!