14 August 2008

Cat's life

Sometimes I wish I were a cat. Tell me: don't you think cats' life is so lazy and interestring at the same time?

(Picture courtesy of my brother Stefano!)


Debbie Courson Smith said...

Well, the big positive is getting to sleep at least 16 hours a day - and not apologizing for it!

Janet said...

Aw, nice kitty. Yes, I think cats have the best of both or is it nine lives!

Marcel said...


Jane Hards Photography said...

Very cute.

Chuck Pefley said...

Most cats do have good lives ... but I think I'd prefer not to have to deal with hair-balls. :)

This cat looks quite a bit like my old friend Sebastian who honored me with his presence for 14 years.

Susan said...


vero said...

Beautiful beautiful cat!!