02 August 2008

Piazza Roma by night

Some years ago, the Municipality of Concordia made a public contest for the renovation of a town square, piazza Roma, near the river Lèmene. Many local architects and engineers participated, by the way, my husband did too (he was classified 5th). The project that won planned it looked peculiar, but now we are used to it and it looks interesting. On the picture, the lights (embedded in an iron structure).


Sally said...

Interesting look. I had to chuckle (and sympathise with you) about having to do loads and loads of washing when you came home from your holidays. Our house always looks like a huge laundry for a week after a holiday!
Sydney Daily Photo

Saretta said...

Ok, aspetto la tua visita!

Virginia said...

Nice perspective. Looks like dominoes that might just tip over.

Tash said...

Wonderful art & great picture of it. Your husband did very well too. Congratulations to him.

USelaine said...

Yes, I like how you presented these - it makes them even more interesting.