18 March 2008

Iulia Concordia alias Concordia Sagittaria

Concordia, or better, IVLIA CONCORDIA was founded by Romans in 42 b.C. at the crossroad of two very important roads: the Via Annia and the Via Postumia. The site actually was inhabitated already since the X century b.C..

In recent times, a second name was added: Sagittaria from the roman sagitta - in Latin it means arrow - because in Roman times it had an important arrow factory.

Walking in the streets of Concordia is always interesting: in many places you can see archeological findings that remind you about its ancient history.


Gerald (SK14) said...

welcome to the world of dp

Olivier said...

bonjour et bienvenu dans le monde des DP. bonne continuité a ton blog.
good morning and welcome in the world of DP. good continuity a your blog.

Fabrizio Zanelli said...

E' un po' che ho notato il tuo nuovo City Daily Photoblog ma, vergognoso a dirsi, non ho avuto modo prima di lascirati un commento di benvenuta. Arrivando così tardi mi posso permettere di lasciartelo in italiano. E' bella questa Comunità ma noi italiani siamo davvero pochi (e con poca costanza). Benvenuta dunque ! - Fabrizio

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